Exam locations, exam dates, fees, and other information
Exam locations, exam dates, fees, and other information
Orbit Groundschool is the place to go for your aviation theory exams. Enjoy the convenience of taking your exams at our very own examination centre in Arnhem. Our examination centre is not only open to Orbit Groundschool students, but also to external candidates from anywhere in the world. Whether you are an aspiring professional pilot or looking to sharpen your private flying skills, we offer the required exams for every rating. All exams are administered digitally and in English, on iPads. Orbit Groundschool: Your flexible path to success in the aviation industry.
AUSTRO CONTROL | Arnhem location:
You will find all the necessary information in our EXAM GUIDE . Neem deze allereerst aandachtig door alvorens je de gewenste examens definitief boekt.
* Read the Exam Guide first!
*Overgang naar nieuwe syllabi EASA ECQB 2024 vanaf 1 juni 2024: geringe wijzigingen in 010 Air Law en 081 Principles of Flight.
Orbit Groundschool is the place to go for your aviation theory exams. Enjoy the convenience of taking your exams at our very own examination centre in Arnhem. Our examination centre is not only open to Orbit Groundschool students, but also to external candidates from anywhere in the world. Whether you are an aspiring professional pilot or looking to sharpen your private flying skills, we offer the required exams for every rating. All exams are administered digitally and in English, on iPads. Orbit Groundschool: Your flexible path to success in the aviation industry.
* Read the Exam Guide first!
Per 31 januari a.s. wordt de mogelijkheid beëindigt om examens af te leggen aan de hand van de oude ECQB2016. Vanaf februari kun je resterende examens binnen de wettelijk gestelde termijn van 18 maanden afronden middels het afleggen van examens uit de nieuwe ECQB2021. For example, if you are taking ATPL(A) exams and have already taken exams in some subjects, and you still have 18 months to take the remaining exams, then you will have to sit the remaining theory exams using the new ECQB2020.
Indien de tabel niet helemaal zichtbaar is, kun je het beeld naar links of rechts bewegen
Huidige tarieven
ATPL(A/H) – € 80,00
CPL(A/H) – € 80,00
IR(A/H) – € 76,00
BIR-CBIR – € 76,00
PPL(A/H) – € 60,00
* Read the Exam Guide first!
Huidige tarieven
ATPL(A/H) – € 80,00
CPL(A/H) – € 80,00
IR(A/H) – € 76,00
BIR-CBIR – € 76,00
PPL(A/H) – € 60,00
* Read the Exam Guide first!
Voor vragen met betrekking tot examens zijn wij enkel bereikbaar via e-mail.