Examination policy
Examination policy
1. Exam facility, contact details
Meander 551, 6825 MD Arnhem, The Netherlands
Contact and available by email only: [email protected]
Not available by phone for any exam related enquiry.
2. Exam dates and registration deadlines
Exam dates and registration deadlines can be found on this page.
A typical registration deadline is 14 workdays before the start of a session. The exam coordinator, on behalf of the exam venue, reserves the right to change or cancel dates!
3. EASA ECQB 2024 Data Base
Orbit Groundschool will implement the ECQB 2024 in collaboration with Austro Control as of June 1, 2024. The mentioned database will be used for all candidates (new applications and candidates who have already started their exams) and for all subjects affected. It involves minor changes to 010 Air Law and 081 Principles of Flight. Further information about the ECQB and the transition to the new syllabi can be found here.
4. Defining exam sittings/sessions/days
- One sitting consists of 3 days within 1 month at our location
- One session consists of 3 exam days (DAY1, DAY2 and DAY3)
Please make sure you have checked the exam dates; you can only have exams on the previously announced exam days (see exam dates and registration deadlines).
5. Subjects and attempts
The examinee normally has 18 months to complete their subjects after the first exam.
- The examinee has 6 sittings to complete their subjects, including retakes
- The examinee must pass 75% of a given subject to pass (rounded down).
- PPL examinees must take all their exams on one exam day (see defining exam sittings/sessions/days).
Failing subjects:
If the examinee fails, a new attempt must be done. The earliest opportunity is the next exam month. Failing a subject for more than 4 times will cause the examinee to lose all previous examination progress. This means that the examinee must restart the whole examination process cycles. If the examinee is unable to finish with the 13 subjects within the 18-month timeframe, will cause the examinee to lose all previous examination progress. This means that the examinee must restart the whole examination process cycles.
6. Exam fees / Payments
ATPL: € 78 per subject
CPL: € 78 per subject
IR: € 74 per subject
BIR-CBIR: € 74 per subject
PPL: € 58 per subject
7. Registration / booking an exam / confirmation
Every time the examinee starts a new sitting, an Austro Control Exam Application Form must be filled in. This form must be signed and stamped by the ATO of the examinee. Partially filled out or incorrectly completed forms cannot be accepted. The application form must be filled in digitally. No handwritten forms can be accepted.
The application forms can be downloaded here (open with your system viewer):
Booking exams at the Arnhem Exam Centre:
To book subjects at the Arnhem Exam Centre, the examinee must fill out the online booking form. The booking form requires the examinee to download and upload the Austro Control Exam Application Form.
Confirmation letter:
After the booking has been done, an automatic confirmation email is sent for the examinee. Within this email the examinee will find all the previously submitted data. If necessary, the exam coordinator contacts the examinee’s ATO requesting further information.
A week before the exams take place and the payment has been completed, another confirmation email will be sent with details, starting dates and special rules.
Modifying booked exams:
The examinee has the right to add or delete subjects, postpone or cancel their exam bookings, until the registration deadline, by replying to the confirmation email or writing directly to [email protected]
Second confirmation letter / reminder:
After the registration deadline, a second confirmation / reminder email is sent with the exact starting times for each examinee. This email is sent no later than 3 days prior the exam.
8. Skipping exams
If an examinee decides to not to take subjects, postpone, or cancel their bookings after the registration deadline, we cannot guarantee refunds.
9. Examination procedure
- Examinees must arrive on time, at least 15 minutes before the start of their sitting.
- Examinees must follow the instructions of the invigilators.
- Before the test, the examinee must put down their personal belongings to the designated lockers.
- Before the test, the examinee must switch off all their electronic devices (phones, smart devices) and put to the designated lockers.
- Only the allowed items can be brought to the exam room (see the allowed aids list).
- The invigilators are entitled to inspect the examination equipment and to exclude you from the examination in the event of attempts at deception and failure to follow instructions.
- Examinees must identify themselves with a valid ID or Passport.
- Exams are taken on iPads provided by the exam centre.
- Examinees must not communicate with each other during the exams.
- Examinees can only take breaks in between completing and the starting time of the next subject
- All questions are in English
- Annexes are viewable on screen and printed when necessary
- Exam time is visible on screen and a color coded warning is issued at 10 and 5 minutes in the comment section of the app
10. Non – compliance with the examination procedure
Anyone who does not comply with the examination procedures will be excluded from the examination within all EASA member states for 12 months and all items passed so far will be assessed as “failed”. Attempts to deceive are among other things:
- Use of means other than those permitted
- Any kind of communication with other students during the test
- Taking examination documents with you from the examination room
- Taking notes on the recording paper when the examination subject is not open
- Use of any kind of electronic devices.
11. Exam application guide
The user guide for the exam application can be downloaded from this page
12. Allowed aids list
The following items can be brought into the exam room:
- Mechanical navigation computer
- Protractor
- Ruler
- Drafting compass
- Jeppesen Manual and charts
- CAA CAP’s (only ATPL)
- Pen/pencil
Use of digital flight computers has been suspended from the 1st of December 2020.
A pen, scratch paper and a calculator will be provided by the exam center.
13. Results
- Exam results are available instantly
- The passing score is 75% (rounded down)
14. Finishing exams
If the examinee finishes all their subjects within the regulation, the Exam Centre requests the finishing certificate.
The certificate will be sent for the examinee’s email address in a pdf form (signed and stamped). The hard copy of the certificate will arrive to the Exam Centre and will be sent by post to the examinee.